नेपाल संवत: ११४५ चिल्लाथ्व पुन्हि - १५
Remarks by Ambassador Mr. Ghanshyam Bhandari
at an Event Organized to Celebrate
‘Women’s Winter Expedition in the Langtang Region of Nepal’
Dhaka, 17 February 2025
Theme: Mastering dreams, conquering heights
Chief Guest Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank
Dr. Susan Vize UNESCO Country Representative
Members of All-women Team of Mountaineers
Distinguished Guests, and
Ladies and Gentlemen
Namaste, As-salamu Alaykum, Subho aparanha and Good Afternoon!
It is my pleasure to participate in this event organized to celebrate an inspiring achievement by five Bangladeshi women. I thank the host – Mastercard – for the opportunity.
The theme of today’s event – Mastering dreams, conquering heights – very well captures an indomitable spirit, perseverance, and determination with which five brave Bangladeshi women (Nishat Majumder, Yasmin Lisa, Arpita Debnath, Mousumi Akhtar Ap, and Tahura Sultana Rekha) realized their dream.
I understand this all-women team of mountaineers scaled five different mountains including Yala Peak (5500m), Surya Peak (5145m), and Gosaikunda Peak (4747m) which are in the Langtang region of Nepal.
With this extraordinary feat, these women have succeeded not only in conquering heights but also in breaking barriers and pushing limits, not just for themselves, but as role models for all women in Bangladesh and beyond.
Dear Friends
William Blake, one of the great poets of English Literature, said, ‘great things are done when men and mountains meet’.
Of course, Blake must have used ‘men’ to mean both men and women, but as we celebrate the remarkable achievement of these women, we can say that [not just great but] greater things are done when women and mountains meet.
I extend my heartiest congratulations to these wonderful women on their historic accomplishment.
Their achievement is a real example of how women lead innovations and adventures. There is no better translation into action the crux of ‘Sultana’s Dream’, a seminal text of Bengali feminist literature written in 1905 and a source of inspiration for these five brave mountaineers.
Also, as Ambassador of Nepal, I see the events like this in terms of mountains and mountaineering bringing our two countries and peoples closer.
I am pleased to note the growing enthusiasm of Bangladeshi youth in the field of mountaineering, trekking, and adventure sports.
I take this opportunity to salute the courage and determination of all Bangladeshi mountaineers, trekkers and adventure lovers for their efforts, their achievements, and their contributions to bringing our two countries and peoples closer.
Dear Friends,
While I speak about mountains and mountaineering, I am always tempted to recall what Sir Edmund Hillary said when asked about his feat of conquering Mt. Everest in 1953.
He said, “It is not the mountain we conquer, but [we conquer] ourselves.”
Indeed, we have come a long way over the last 72 years in terms of ‘conquering ourselves’.
I also remember what my schoolteacher used to tell us: “When you think that you are most powerful, or feel proud that you are very important, just go and stand facing a mountain. That will give you a humbling experience. You will better realize your place and significance.”
So, I feel that all the mountaineering acts of bravery and resilience constitute not just humanity’s common quest for success, but the process of challenging and understanding ourselves, while appreciating mountains that are the most awe-inspiring, powerful, and fascinating places in the world.
Our mountains are the constant source of livelihoods for people living in South Asia and beyond. Not only 240 million people living in the mountain regions but also 1.65 billion people living downstream depend, in one way or the other, on the mountain resources.
Unfortunately, the whole Hindu Kush Himalayan range is at the frontline of climate crisis.
Glaciers are retreating, icesheets are losing mass, and there is a decline in the depth, extent, and duration of snow cover.
So, there is a need to work together and faster to preserve and protect the mountain ecology and the entire Himalayan range from the onslaught of climate change.
Not least in this light and also in the context that the United Nations has designated 2025 as the ‘International Year of Glaciers' Preservation’, the Government of Nepal is hosting, Kathmandu from 16 to 18 May 2025, the first edition of Sagarmatha Sambaad under the theme of ‘Climate Change, Mountains, and the Future of Humanity.’
The objective of this Sambaad (dialogue) is to bring together world leaders, think tanks, scientists, mountaineers, and affected communities to deliberate on the importance of mountains and to commit to mitigating the impacts of climate change on mountains and glaciers.
We look forward to a meaningful participation of the Government and people of Bangladesh in this dialogue.
Once again, congratulations to the successful mountaineers. I wish you many more milestones of success in the future.
Nepal will always remain your friend, and your second home.
I also thank Mastercard, Obhijatri, UNESCO and the Liberation War Museum for their contributions to making the expedition a success.
সম্মানিত অতিথিবৃন্দ ও প্রিয় সুধীমন্ডলী,
আমরা যখন নেপাল ও বাংলাদেশের সম্পর্কের কথা বলি তখন আমরা সব সময় হিমালয় এবং বঙ্গপসাগরের মধ্যে প্রাকৃতিক সংযোগের কথা বলি।
আমাদের সম্পর্ককে আরো উন্নত করতে, অভিযাত্রী এবং পর্বত আরোহীদের ভূমিকা বেশি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
বাংলাদশে নেপালের রাষ্ট্রদূত হিসেবে বাংলাদেশের মধ্যে হিমালয় এবং অ্যাডভেঞ্চার স্পোর্টসের প্রতি উংসাহ দেখে আমি খুব আনন্দিত।
আবারো আমি পাঁচ সাহসী নারীদের অনেক অভিনন্দন জানাই।
আপনাদের সবাইকে অনেক অনেক ধন্যবাদ।